By Chris Whitehead
We have been scratching and biting on the skin of Mother Earth
Digging and poking and blowing things up
What goes around comes around and she has delivered amongst us, an assassin
A hard lesson is about to be taught to us devils who spit disdain upon the spirit of life
The air is becoming cleaner, above the heroes who are dying
You may thank your God that the assassin does not come down too hard upon your young
Dying has no joyfulness but now the air is filter fresh
There are simple things to learn from lockdown
The streets are silent and there are no aeroplanes up in the sky
No sprawling vapour trails to blot out the sun
You can hear the blue tits sing and watch as they frisk in the trees
I am afraid now and yet I am grateful for the clearing sky
It has only been a few weeks in this time of the assassin and already I can taste the difference
There are advantages with this lockdown
At my age I am fearful that the assassin will come and take me
Would it be a triumph to know that my end would come underneath a sweeter smelling sky?
Did Mother Earth get angry? Has she a feeling soul?
I could not bet against it, as she is everything to all of us and always will be
Could it be her only choice? To send a ruthless assassin
You who died before your time, against your will, gave her chance to breath
You all should be honoured as greatly as any saint or martyr that ever was
All sins atoned for. Repatriated for all time in the glorious Elysian fields
Without you there would be no lockdown
No clearing sky
Look no further afield for a God
Mother Earth is here, generous, underfoot
She teaches us with great restraint, although at this time, you might not think so
Until we learn